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Dorset Landscape Photography



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All of my pictures are available as prints in a wide range of sizes, as well as fully customisable sizes to fit an existing frame or space.


Please contact me if you would like a print or a custom size and I will be more than happy to help.

I can even help with suggestions for complimentary images based on your rooms colour scheme.

Portland Bill Sunset



The ultimate location guide to one of Dorsets most iconic places for landscape photography, Portland Bill


  * Best Times 

  * Photo Location Maps

  * Postcodes & Free parking areas

  * Best Focal Lengths for each shot

  * Everything you need to know


West Bay Landscape Photography

Chasing Gold at


Chasing golden light on the incredible cliffs of West Bay on Dorsets Jurassic coast.

Waiting for the light to hit and turn a dull day into a spectacular golden wonder !

Trying to keep your cool in a busy environment and nail the shot

Pulit Rock Sunset

Seascapes & Sunset at


The session from HELL that all ends well!

Join me at Portland on the Jurassic Coast as I shoot the Pulpit Rock and my patients is tested to the absolute limit ! 

Seascapes, Sunsets, Long exposures, its all here ! 

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The Best Morning Light EVER !


Cloud threatens to spoil the morning sunrise, but a quick change of plan saves the day !

Could this be the best morning light ever ? Watch to find out.

Interesting Facts about this coastline

* Weymouth seafront had a controversial laser display fitted to it in 2012 at a cost of over £200,000 which drew anger from residents. While the lasers appeared to draw interest in the early days they have become hated by many people over time as they have broken down and not been fixed and now barely even reach the sea.

* Portlands most famous resident is Portland Bill Lighthouse which is one of three lighthouses on Portland but the only working one.

The famous red & white structure of Portland Bill is a magnet for landscape photography and attracts tourist from all over the world.

* Portland Bill used to run normal lights inside it but has now been upgraded to LED lights instead of the old beams which could be seen sweeping across the sea late at night.

* Portland itself was the home for the Olympics sailing events in 2012 and underwent major modernisation on the roads and facilities and there are still Olympic statues to commemorate the event there

* Portland is well known for its famous stone, some of which has been used to build such notary buildings as Buckingham Palace and St Pauls Cathedral and the Cenotaph to name but a few.

* Portlands limestone has been carved out of quarries all over Portland and there is still much evidence to see it, including several cranes along the coast path which used to hoist the large rocks into waiting boats.

* One of Portlands other famous residents is the mighty Pulpit Rock which is named after the similarity of a bible leaning against the pulpit, contrary to popular belief it isn't natural and was carved out of an arch in 1870 and the "Bible" rock placed against it. Due to the raging seas this area has become extremely popular for seascapes and landscape photography.

* Chesil beach has one of the most unique stretches of shingle beach in the UK, it runs for 18 miles right down to West Bay and makes a natural lagoon behind it know as the Fleet.

* West Bay and Burton Bradstock are home to some stunning but imposing sandstone cliffs which are very scenic but very dangerous. This area is well known for cliff falls and has sadly claimed many lives over the years so its best not to walk anywhere near them.

* West bay was well known for featuring in the ITV series, Broadchurch as well as several other earlier TV programs highlighting Dorset.

* Charmouth is legendary in the fossil collecting scene and some simply amazing discoveries have been made there in the past as well as plenty of lucky finds by first timers

* Charmouth Fossils are most likely to be found after a big storm where they are washed up onto the beach.

* Lyme Regis is well known for many reasons but one of the best is the pier known as the Cobb which snakes out into the sea, landscape photography heaven especially in the Winter months as the sunset is right in front of it attracting landscape photographers in their droves.

* The Cobb is often photographed in stormy weather where high winds make waves crash over the top in dramatic fashion, It can be a very dangerous place and time but really is one of the most spectacular places to try your hand at landscape photography in Dorset.

* Lyme Regis is right on the edge of the Dorset/Devon boarder 

* Lyme Regis has a very famous historical resident in the shape of fossil collector and pioneer, Mary Anning. Mary really brought fossil collecting to the masses and made many amazing discoveries along the Jurassic Coast, including new species.

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